Monday, February 28, 2011

Pesta Tanglung~~!!!!

Nice People, hardworking, have own style to conduct an event and very dedicated.

KMK Star~~!


Photoshoot to my closet friend in KMK~!! He has MACHO face and nice HAIR~! warhaha~~!!

Broadcast Club~!

Broadcasting Club~!! This is my practicum in KMK. Child face aren't they?

Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah.

New friend, new place, new enviroment, new everything~!

p/s : Picture credit to Haris The ShutterAperturePhotography

Sunday, February 27, 2011

1st POST~~!! warhaha~~!!


Sebenarnya aku dah lma buat blog nie.. tpi ntah nak buh apa... bila aku ada hobby memang best bru nak post~! PHOTOGRAPHY!! my child dream actuaally.. why photography??? Why picture?? well, our life may gone to far but a picture well recall all the memories back!! thats it~!


About Me

My photo
well... i'm a person like to enjoy the life,listen to music, playing guitar, making friends PHOTOGRAPHY
